Digital Photography For Kids - Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about photography classes for kids with Rebecca Hunnicutt Photography & Education

Why choose digital photography?

There are numerous benefits visual arts provide for children. Exposure to the arts and learning a new skill can help students develop their self esteem and confidence. Photography is an outlet for self-expression and increases creativity and imagination. Using a camera promotes fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination. The process of taking a photograph with intent increases problem-solving skills as well as learning to be flexible and think creatively. Photography is not only a useful lifelong skill that many children are curious about, it also fosters children to actively engage with others and their environment. With unlimited application and depending on your children’s interests and personality, most children can find the type of photography they enjoy.

My child doesn’t know anything about photography?

In the day and time of mobile phone photography, there are not many students, who have previous knowledge of handling a DSLR or shooting in manual mode. You are in the right place! Our classes are small and can accommodate absolute beginners and students with previous knowledge.

My child is older and already knows a little about photography - will it be boring?

Our classes are small and photography is a really flexible subject. The assignments, skill practice and photo prompts will be adapted, depending on class and individual needs. We may have younger students switch between manual and aperture priority mode to focus on composition and color, whilst older students can challenge themselves to shoot everything in manual mode or add a challenging modification to class activities. Most classes we split in one younger and one older group with 5 students each.

My child is not in the age group 8-13?

Our course book is designed for ages 7-15. If you have a 16-year-old or 6-year-old that is passionate about photography and would like to sign-up, or is excited to join a group of friends, please reach out directly and we can discuss options.

How do we get the photos my child took?

You are welcome to download them every day. Most computers have a SD-card slot to transfer files to your device. All your child’s photos will also be available to download via our DropBox account.

What do we need to bring for summer classes?

The summer classes are all outdoors, please dress accordingly in comfortable clothes and shoes and bring sunscreen and a water bottle (snack if needed) - we bring everything else!

How much time is required on the assignments?

Our summer classes allow for students to move at their own pace. Some might want to shoot all afternoon and practice, others might want to wait until the next day to continue. There is no pressure, but always plenty to keep them busy for the rest of the day.

Our after-school classes will require some work at home. It might be a technical skill practice, a small photo project or a creative prompt students receive each week. These should be done prior to next class, so your student can participate in the review and discussion at beginning of each class. All at-home challenges can be achieved with a minimum of thirty minutes using commonly found props and equipment that are available in every home.

How is pick-up and drop-off organized?

All information will be sent via email for your specific location and school. We will pick students up after school and walk with them to the class location (school park nearby). This is often a great opportunity for students to spot interesting things in the area for future assignments. You are also always welcome to drop your child off. Please contact us directly, if you need to make changes to pick-up or drop-off.

Why is there no class at our school?

We pick the schools based on most interest from our initial parent survey and PTA/PTC support to promote the program. If you would like to have a location nearby your school or after-school option, please reach out to us directly or have your PTA or school coordinator contact us. We are always adding new locations, so make sure to sign up for the newsletter.

What if my child gets hurt during class?

You are in luck! Not only is Rebecca a certified pediatric nurse practitioner, we are also CPR qualified. Generally photography is a very safe activity that does not pose a high risk of injuries.

We would like to purchase a camera for our child - can you help?

Fortunately, there are plenty of affordable entry models of DSLR’s readily available. We are always happy to make recommendations and sometimes sell used models of our own stock. Sign up for our mailing list and you’ll be the first to know about current sales and offers in the photography world.

Can my child continue learning and practicing after the class?

The course book that is included in your registration fee is packed book recommendations and long-term projects to keep your child engaged. There are plenty of challenges and photo prompts in the course book to promote practicing new skills. We also offer one-on-one tutoring. Please reach out directly if you are interested.

We don’t own our own camera?

All camera gear is provided for the duration of your class. Your student will be able to take the equipment home every day, costs are included in the class fee.

Can we bring our own camera?

No. The class and the course book are designed to use the Canon EOS Rebel T100 camera body. Every camera model works different, and other models do not fit the course book descriptions. If you happen to have a camera lens other than the Canon EF 18-55mm we provide, your child is welcome to use them with the camera body.

What if my child has questions after class?

This happens all the time. Most questions can be addressed in class, but we have an e-mail, that we check regularly to provide some trouble-shooting and see amazing shots that students can’t wait share!

My child wants to learn more?

We are so pleased to hear! The field of photography is nearly endless, with many specific categories and a broad range of additional skills to learn. For the future we are hoping to offer a follow-up more advanced course and also looking into editing- and post-processing classes.