Gold Hope Volunteer Photography Session

The Gold Hope Project is an amazing organization that pairs volunteer photographers with families of children who have been diagnosed with cancer. The photographers are matched with fighters in their local area to help them capture family and individual portraits celebrating the child and their cancer fight!

Meet Maddie, and her amazing family!

Madelynn is a happy, sweet girl. She loves arts and crafts, making books, reading, taking hikes. I think her little sister makes her laugh the most!

Maddy was diagnosed with cancer just a few weeks after she turned four in August 2019. She’s been through so many treatments -IV chemo, IT chemo with sedation, daily oral chemo for 1.5 years, surgery, PICC line placement, and PICC line failure. At this moment we are not facing struggles due to treatment but we definitely have during this long journey!

As parents we are constantly on edge, fearing the worst, and analyzing any symptom she may have. We are still pretty quarantined and very limited in the things we feel are safe for us to do.

To see more of Maddie’s session featured on The Gold Hope Project website, head to this link.

Thank you to The Gold Hope Project, and Maddy’s family for trusting me with their fall family photos! I really enjoyed meeting them, exploring a new park together, and celebrating her younger sisters birthday as well.

These are Maddy’s beads that she earned for each procedure, and milestone marker during her therapy. Look at how much she endured to reach today. Such a strong fighter!

If you’d like to learn more about volunteering as a photographer, donating to The Gold Hope Project, or would like to nominate a fighter for a photo session, check out The Gold Hope Project Website.

If you’d like to see another volunteer photo session with The Gold Hope Project, head on over to the blog to check out a session done in a local Portland Oregon studio.


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